DadLife Magazine

BONAOK Wireless Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone – for portable Karaoke fun

Whether the balance on your bank account says $20,000,000 or $200 there are things that exist in this world that can unite us all … and a love for Karaoke is something that might just be one of them. There are people who swear of the pastime due to fear of singing, there are others who like to dabble on occasion in Karaoke sing-song fun, and then there are those of us who live for that moment to belt your heart out at the local Karaoke bar. (Those of you in the fear camp, it’s worth knowing you might only need a little bit of practice to pull you out of your Karaoke shell.)

I’ve seen friends invest ridiculous and obscene amounts of money into home Karaoke machines  and systems – which they’re using for either personal and party entertainment. Oh, and here’s a little secret … when they’re out and about with a spontaneous chance to Karaoke, they’ll pull a top Karaoke number out of their pocket like a professional singer and pretend like they just got lucky. But, say it ain’t so … and it ain’t.

Yes, some of us are talented singers, like my first cousin who sings Ave Maria like an operatic angel. But the truth is, many Karaoke enthusiasts out there practicing their beloved art form (in the privacy of their own home) like it’s nobody’s business … literally training for that occasion to Karaoke, like any world-class athlete would for his or her sport. In fact, I suspect some of them secretly pay for voice lessons just to up their Karaoke game. For those of you who don’t think you can sing well and this is what is making you shy, just know that with even a little bit of practice, you can have some improvement.

Walking down the streets of Bangkok, Thailand, you’ll notice that Karaoke bars are lined up one after the other. And it’s just a kind of natural progression after a drink or two, that the decision is taken to enter one – where you end up doing Karaoke until 4 am on the next day.

So when I came across this portable Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone, which promises to be the perfect device for creating your instant Karaoke parties on the go, I couldn’t resist the chance to write about it. This Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone is probably not as quality or robust as the Karaoke system you have installed at home, but why not. It should do the trick for those Karaoke moments on the fly.

You don’t need to sign up at the bar and wait your turn with this little thing. It’s small enough to be carted around in a backpack or purse and pulled out for Karaoke, at anytime: with friends or alone, on the street or at home, on a boat or on a lawn, it will spawn sing song.

The microphone seems easy to hold and can be used as a speaker, player and recorder compatible with various singing apps. There’s the option of connecting the device either via wire cable or Bluetooth – which need to connect the phone first and then open the app on your phone ­– it is both iOS and Android supported with a good distance connection of up to 10 meters.

The device supports a micro SD card (max 32GB) which is not included, and multi-function buttons that are easy to adjust. It has a rechargeable built-in lithium battery and features quick charging with a functioning duration of around four hours. It comes in dozens of different colors, like rose gold, black gold, space grey, or pink to match your personality. The BONAOK Wireless Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone is available on amazon for about $30 USD.

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