DadLife Magazine

Mercedes-Benz airbags upcycled into clothing collection by designer Preston

Upcycling and sustainability are gaining new heights in the fashion industry. Catching up with the wind, Mercedes-Benz has collaborated with American designer Heron Preston to create a clothing collection made from upcycled airbags.

This airbag concept collection is inspired by the German automaker’s first introduction of life-saving technology in the S-Class in 1981. In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Mercedes-Benz airbag, the collection is innovatively conceptualized by the eminent designer.

The collection

Preston has been at the helm of working toward fancy sustainable fashion and Mercedes-Benz has its goals of sustainability to meet. This collection thus becomes immensely imperative for both, and the commitment is visible through the use of airbags that now can be worn inflated or deflated.

The designer informs it was a challenge for his team to inflate and deflate the clothing on demand. But the immense hard work is evident through the three men’s and women’s looks comprising puffed-up jackets, loose cargo trousers and classic bombers.

Composition and availability

The airbag-inspired assortment, according to Preston, retains up to 98-percent of the actual airbags extracted from the Mercedes-Benz. “I preserved as much as I could; I didn’t want to change too much. I kept the integrity all there,” Preston notes.

Given the appearance, the collaborative collection is not for ordinary fashionistas, nonetheless, it has the potential to appeal to conscious fashion seekers. The clothing collection is likely to be available through a giveaway at streetwear reseller GOAT beginning September 10.  

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