DadLife Magazine

Nendo’s non-inflatable football can be assembled on-site

Football needs no recognition – it is the most famous sport not just in England or Spain but also in the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and South America.  Younger folks in these lesser privileged nations however find it difficult to obtain a football and maintain it – because of dearth of air pumps and wear and tear –the available balls are also useless for long-term use.

Realizing the necessity of a ball that lasts more; Tokyo-based design firm Nendo has devised My Football kit concept which is designed to minimize the problem of football distribution and maintenance in impoverished countries.

A non-inflatable ball

My Football Kit is a flat-pack contraption, which comprises three types of components broken up into 54 different parts. These are – in LEGO-style -assembled to create a non-inflatable football. Designed to last much longer than a traditional football, these are inspired by the Japanese woven bamboo balls and are soft to play with.

The kit components are made from recycled polypropylene and elastomeric synthetic resin to achieve a tough, yet soft ball, which is easy to kick barefoot. Most kids play football barefoot in some countries because owning a pair of shoes is rare, let alone the availability of studs.

Simpler maintenance

Comprising interlocking components the ball can be easily put together. Interestingly, even if a component were to break off, the ball doesn’t lose its shape, and is still worth playing with. The broken part can be easily repaired and/or replaced if need be. This makes the ball easier to maintain and more economical to repair than replacing a torn bladder from a traditional football or getting a pump to inflate it.

My Football Kit comes in flat-pack packaging to minimize shipping costs and reduce carbon footprint. It can then be quickly assembled on site. The non-inflatable football comes in a range of colors, adding fun element to the already exciting game of football.

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