DadLife Magazine

Origins wooden chess set doubles as checkers board

Talk of strategy board games and the first name that instantly comes to mind is the good old chess set. The game has stayed the same but over the centuries the medium of showing off your strategy skills has taken many shapes and forms.

Right from the more sci-fi iterations to the classic gothic ones – the chess board and the chess pieces have seen countless variations for the player’s delight. While most of them are over the top at times, this one is a tad different.

Origins Check Chess Set

At first look, this might seem like any other wooden chess board with fancy pieces, but this one doubles as a checkers board too. The 12 pawn pieces of the wooden set act as the checkers pieces for both sides – sitting in alternative positions in two rows each.

While one side is represented by a much lighter colored wood finish, the other one bears a slightly darker hue to differentiate while having an intense game of minds. The minimalistic yet classy chess board itself is crafted beautifully from an array of wooden materials of your choice.

Novice players will fancy this board

For an amateur chess player the Check Chess Set might be a little confusing to begin with, simply due to the shape of the rectangular pieces. On the other hand an experienced player might already have figured out the design intricacy. The pieces represent the movement in which they can move – the knight has an L-shape which the Queen has a 45-degrees cut in the front.

Overall the board and the pieces are well crafted with all the movable blocks having a groove to make sure the pieces don’t move or fall unintentionally during play. The chess set is available in Eastern Maple, White Ash, White Oak, and Black Walnut finish for $725 CAD (around $562).

The accompanying box and the board along with one player pieces will be constructed from the same material of wood. For the opponent’s pieces, you can choose from any of the other three options.

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