DadLife Magazine

Raise the Bar on Your Host Game with These Home Bar Essentials

Group of friends toasting with drinks at a home bar

Tips for Restocking Your Wet Bar

To quote the song-writing duo Comden & Green (as well as Willie Nelson), “the party’s over.” Well, make that “parties.” And if you hosted often this holiday season, your wet bar may have taken quite a hit. 

Glasses get broken or mysteriously walk away. Corkscrews and shakers wear out. And, of course, the supply of bourbon, tequila, and rum runs low, especially if these classic winter cocktail recipes were hits on the home front. 

With some of our favorite annual celebrations just around the corner—we’re looking squarely at you, Mardi Gras and St. Paddy’s—it’s time to take stock of your home bar essentials.

Invest in New Bartending Gadgets

Head spinning. That’s how we describe the litany of bar tools out there. 

Most of us would prefer to keep our bars stocked with glasses and booze as opposed to bartender’s toys, so we take a cue from Thomas Edison here: “Good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.” That pearl in mind, let’s keep the toolkit practical so we’re prepared when opportunity arises!

Other gadget odds and ends to consider include a handheld juicer, for maximum citrus, and a couple of sharp, quality paring knives with a bamboo cutting board. All these should bear the dad rule: “For-wet-bar-use-only.”

Update Your Glassware

Glassware matters, especially when you want to look the part. After all, a good sipping whisky just works better when served in an old-fashioned glass versus the utilitarian tea glasses of our youth. 

You’re wiser now. More sophisticated. Make sure your wet bar’s glassware says that by revamping your supply with a variety that leans toward versatility: 

Restock the Essential Spirits

The hardest hit to your wet bar during the holidays was probably on the spirit supply, so take time to restock the essentials before your home bar encounters another blitz. Again, quality trumps quantity all the way down the line, so keep your selections “A-list.” 

Elevate Your Mixers and Garnishes

Now that you’ve set the foundation with hardware and spirits, take a look at those finishing touches: the essential home bar mixers and garnishes. 

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