DadLife Magazine

Revolution Cooking R180 High-Speed Smart Toaster toasts bread the perfect shade you like

One of the reasons I have given up on eating sliced bread, is because my toaster has a mind of its own, and either burns my toast or under-toasts it. There is no consistency, and I find using my OTG – oven, toaster, grill, just too cumbersome during the morning rush.

To my mind, innovations like the Revolution Cooking R180 High-Speed Smart Toaster hold the promise of a fulfilling breakfast ritual. Imagine using a two-slice toaster that allows you to customize your bread, just to the right amount of crispiness. Toast number 1 and toast number 10, will be the same shade of brown, crispness and texture (meaning, as moist as the first slice), without a fuss.

The World’s First 2-slice, High-speed Smart Toaster

Claiming to be the world’s first 2-slice, high-speed smart toaster, the R180 comes with three different modes, seven different shades, and five food settings. Play around with the settings, to settle onto the one that suits your taste and requirements.

The toasting compartment is big enough to fit in a cut bagel as well as a waffle. The R180 has settings for English muffins, waffles, and toaster pastries. The uniqueness is that the toaster heats up and toasts in a fraction of the time of conventional toasters.

Browns Evenly and Locks in the Flavor

The R180 is unlike the typical toaster and is designed with a diamond-shaped heating system, which works as the browning element. This affords the toaster to promise consistency, every single time you toast your bread.  

Sporting an intuitive touchscreen, the toaster allows you to customizes toast settings and preferences from here. There are specific settings for a variety of breads and is very user friendly. According to some users, the bagels fit in perfectly and you don’t have to force them into the slot.

Some of the specs include countdown timer, removable crumb tray, clean crumb tray reminder, analog or digital clock with date, brushed stainless-steel finish and Smart algorithm control system. Buy it here for $300.

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