DadLife Magazine

Solis X WiFi Smartspot offers connectivity for off-grid adventures

The only thing about going off the beaten path and on an incredible adventure is that you might end up sacrificing your connection to the outside world. But what about those of us must stay connected, like travel bloggers and adventurers. A new device, the Solis X WiFi Smartspot, offers a solution to staying in touch with the outside world while on the go.

Often and much to surprise there are many remote places are connected to WiFi – kind of destroying the idea of being off-grid in the first place. But, fortunately I might add, there are still places on planet earth where WiFi is non-exisitent or spotty.

Then there begs the question, what do you do if your find yourself standing in places like, at the edge of the Cave of Swallows, for example. You might end up cursing in the Mexican jungle if you can’t live-stream the event or make an immediate post on your social feeds. Who will ever believe you were there! Get me WiFi gosh darn it!

A new product on the market offers the hope of help keeping you connected during your adventurous days and while on the go. It’s called the Solis X WiFi Smartspot. The Solis X was developed by Skyroam, a global WiFi company. The device is small, portable, and quite cute actually, making it an extra convenient travel buddy for those of us who like to pack light and travel fast and remote. In fact, it’s so small that it slips into a pocket without a struggle.

The all-in-one device is nifty with plenty of other features in addition to the global WiFi capability: the Solis X also functions as a remote camera, power bank, and smart assistant. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about tugging along an extra battery bank with which to charge your phone, keeping your luggage streamlined and giving your back and mind a break.

Check your email, download any important documents or information, capture images, share and live-streaming video from just about anywhere on the planet – supposedly, this is all possible with the Solis X WiFi Smartspot.

The Solix X currently offers a 4G LTE WiFi connection in 130 countries (a lot considering the fact that there are 195 officially recognized countries in the world). In addition, the WiFi can be shared by up to ten different devices – which is a pretty impressive number if you ask me.

Easily capture the duration of your trip with the remote camera which is flash-enabled with a wide-angle view, self-timer, record and live-stream on-the-go. Also, with just a tap, the smart assistant can take care of numerous apps and services from the Solis WiFi App and Smartspot.

According to Skyroam, “The Solis X was designed to enhance social, family, and travel experiences for anyone who wishes to do more from anywhere,” said Skyroam Founder and CEO, Jing Liu. “By expanding upon what Skyroam does best, we are enabling so many more consumers to stay connected with loved ones, stay powered on, stay socially engaged and stay integrated into their ‘smart’ lifestyle with no geographic limits”. The device is definitely made for the travel generation.

The Solis X WiFi Smartspot is on sale for approximately $179.99 USD. Buyers have the option of service for the day, month, or gigabyte and can which can be selected through the Solis WiFi App. Also included is an attractive zip carrying case.

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