DadLife Magazine

Things you can do to stay cool during a heatwave

Paris recorded its hottest day at 108.6 Fahrenheit (42.5 C) and as the heatwave engulfs Europe, many are worried about the impact the temperature will have on their health. Sunburns aside, dry heat has a lot more impact on the body, especially if it’s not something your region is used to. For example, if these were the conditions in Dubai, it would have been perfectly natural for the citizens to go about their day when its 108.6 F hot.

Given the global climate change – its raining beyond the usual limit in my city – extreme weather conditions have become a recurring phenomenon. There is a lot we can do to arrest the situation, but let’s keep Global Warming for another day. Today, let’s discuss what you can do to survive heatwaves and feel good.

Make water your best friend

Avoid sugary drinks, energy drinks and artificial sweeteners as they may cause you more harm than good. Water is your only best friend and carrying a bottle of good old aqua and sipping on it consistently, is what you should be doing.

Stay indoors

Step out only if you must, and avoid open spaces. Even Red Cross recommends switching on the air conditioner or going to a place – like a mall or library – and cool off there. Before leaving your home, do remember to apply a sunblock or sunscreen and be liberal with it. Use an SPF 30 and above, as that is the recommended factor by the American Academy of Dermatology. The main reason why its advised to stay indoors is that direct sunlight can affect your ability to cool down.

Keep an eye on Fluffy

It’s not only you, but your furry friends are affected equally. Imagine the luscious coat that is winter’s pride, can turn into a deathtrap for our fur-balls. Apart from keeping fresh water for your pet to lap up, every now and then, avoid taking them out for long walks. Moreover, the pavement can be too hot for their paws, so be mindful of this.

Be self-aware and note the signs

Children and the elderly are most prone to sunstrokes. It’s always a good idea to know the triggers and how to identify that someone is being affected. Simple signs like reddening of skin and high body temperatures are sure-shot giveaways. If you will not take care at this stage, it could lead to complications like dehydration, seizures, disorientation or a stroke.

Eat small meals and gorge on fruits that have high water content

Fruits like watermelon and water-chestnuts are your best friends during a heatwave. The high water content in them keeps you satiated. A full stomach makes you lethargic and also makes your body work harder to digest the food, hence build up internal heat. Keeping it small and simple will only help you be agile and keep you on your toes.  

Prevention is the key here; you know it’s hot out there, so it is best to take all the precautions and be safe, rather than risk your health and happiness.

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