If there is one part of a man’s attire that speaks volumes about his personality, it’s the earrings. They are like a brooch to your earlobes which add instant magnetism to your personality. Generally, earrings are associated with femininity. But annals of history tell us that men have been decorating their earlobes from time immemorial. And just in case you have any taboo in your mind regarding wearing earrings, ask David Beckham.
Most of you don’t wear earrings, but for those who do, it is important that these little pieces of jewelry suit your skin tone and gel along with your dressing attire. While buying an ear bling, one should be very careful regarding what you really want; whether you want to exhibit your personal style or want something that suits an occasion. Here we have curated a list of five best earring trends for men in 2022 that will help you strike a balance between the two.
Stud earrings

I am sure the studs would take you back to your high school days when a lot of your rebellious friends were wearing one. Garnering attention in the late 90s, they almost became a cult in the early 2000s. As soon as you get your first piercing, the first thing everyone would recommend you to wear is a stud earring.
To be honest, studs are for amateurs, but that doesn’t necessarily imply it is boring. In fact, they are a lot more comfortable to carry and are often regarded as party outfits. Thanks to its straight post which easily goes through the ear and pairs with a simple silver ball or triangle holder that makes sure it doesn’t fall off. Available in an array of shapes, sizes, and colors, these earrings are made of various items ranging from gold to plastic.
Hoop earrings

Once you are done with studs, it’s time to elevate your style and what better than a hoop earring. These ear blings are more commonly associated with women considering they are circular in shape. But even a man can up his ante by wearing a hoop.
Just make sure you don’t buy something more of a ‘Jack Sparrow’ kind. A small or regular size hoop passing through the earlobe via a wire would look good. And guess what, they are comfortable and easy to wear. In case you have cash to spare, you should go for diamond hoops because there is nothing sexier than a diamond in the ear.
Jewelry earrings

Talking of diamonds, it brings me to jewelry earrings. While studs and hoops can be plastic, what makes a man sexy is diamond, as mentioned. You must have spotted rappers, footballers or guitarists wearing diamond and gold earrings, and why not; jewelry adds a lot of lavishness to your style.
Dangly earrings

I have to be honest with you, in order to pull this off, you need to have a lot of passion for earrings and sheer confidence in yourself. Don’t be a fool to imagine yourself to be a Neymar or Harry Styles because one wrong buy and you’d be the joker of the party.
An item hanging and swinging loosely may not look good on everyone but if you are tall or skinny, this should be your ideal choice. Available in endless styles and options from a cross to feather, the dangly earrings can be a little heavy but the choice is for you to make.
Tapers Earring

I am no style guru but what I do know is that tapers look good on folks with tall height and sharp jawline. Designed to penetrate through your earlobe, it comes in various form, from a cone to curvy shaped piece of accessory. It is made in such a way that the shape of the taper allows the piercing in the earlobe to stretch smoothly. The idea behind stretching is to go more extreme and try tunnel earrings later on. But be careful, while using this because you may end up hurting yourself.