Balenciaga is a luxury fashion house that has been more popular in the past few years. Thanks to the recent designs of bags and shoes that have caught the attention of many fashionistas and sneakerheads around the world. The brand may be venturing into other categories like home and living as a new Balenciaga sofa was just introduced.
The Balenciaga sofa was designed by Harry Nuriev. The quirky design is simple as it is only filled with colorful clothes inside. Nuriev is a Russian furniture designer who is currently based in New York.
Designer Sofa Gets a Quirky Look

The couch is considered a designer sofa. The clothes inside are also by Balenciaga so imagine the high cost of this piece.
Balenciaga worked with Harry Nuriev for the sofa. The result is this plastic transparent vinyl sofa that will probably confuse you the first time you see it. Are those all clothes on top of the sofa? It looks like it.
The colorful sofa has caught the attention of Vogue. Of course, it’s Balenciaga plus the fact that it really is unique with the random pattern and all the colors available.
Design Meets Eco-friendliness

Nuriev has to say, “It is important to me to show young designers that you can work with upcycled things. You can execute it in a beautiful way, in the right shape, and with the right material.” We believe so because not all designs make it and attract global attention.
The Balenciaga sofa is one of a kind. Many people prefer a minimalist change but this colorful sofa can still be appreciated by those who like colors and rainbow.