The ongoing impact of coronavirus is Wuhan, China has wedged the launch, production and delivery of so many things. It can also lend a severe blow to Apple, which for now has not come out officially, but is expected to launch a slew of devices including the new, budget iPhone later this year.
Other fascinating releases from the Cupertino giant could include a new iPad Pro, MacBook Pro, and Apple TV. Amid all this, Mac Rumors shares that Apple is already working on the next iOS update which will work with all the devices running iOS 13.
While Apple’s next-generation iOS is scheduled to preview in June, a beta leak reveals the following features we can expect in the new operating system.
Handwriting text

In addition to the hand-drawn content support, currently available for iPhone and iPad users; iOS 14 could let you handwrite text in any text input field (Messages, Notes, Reminders, Mail) using the Apple Pencil. This handwritten content could then be converted into standard text and sent.
Mention feature in iMessage

If you like the mention feature on WhatsApp or Facebook, where by using @ in front of a name, you can highlight a person in a group chat/comment, you are in luck.
iOS 14 could bring this feature to iMessage, allowing a user, participating in a group chat to mention a recipient by adding @ as prefix in the name. It would then notify the specific user about a mention in the message.
List view on home screen

On the Apple Watch home screen you can see all the installed apps in a list; the iOS 14 update could bring similar prowess to the iPhone. This will reveal an interface where users can view all the installed apps in a list, apparently in alphabetical order. And also have an option to set filters to see apps in categories.
Provision to recall iMessage

According to reports, Apple is also testing a recall message feature in iOS 14. This would also users to recall a message sent earlier. Reports suggest, when the message is recalled, both the sender’s and recipient’s iMessage timelines will show a note suggest that the message has been recalled.
New fitness app

Per reports, Apple is devising a novel fitness app called Seymour internally, which will sync in the already available Health app features. When released in iOS 14, it would either be called Fit or Fitness. It is believed that the app would have different workout vides which users will be able to download. There is no further detail on other possibilities and features yet.