Storage can be hard to come by in dense urban living settings, which coerces people to make the most out of a small space a daily requirement. Although, decluttering and simple living is one way to deal with the situation, opting for furniture with multiple uses and hidden storage is a great way to keep your belongings, with minimum clutter.
German designer Nils Holger Moormann adopted this design strategy and has designed an all-in-one unit, which incorporates a bed, bike rack, a reading book, an eating area, a walk-in closet, storage and more.
All-in-one-furniture cube

Christened the Kammerspiel (which translates as intimate theatre), the all-in-one-furniture cube is built in alliance with the B&O; Group. According to Moormann, the unit, which is the largest piece of furniture designed by him, is built with a space-saving design for those dwelling in small apartments.
Kammerspiel is a room within a room, considering enough features and space to take the airiness of the rest of the apartment into consideration. Moormann says, “At a time when affordable living space is becoming scarce and the grand opera is not always possible, a Kammerspiel – or intimate theatre – can be a fitting alternative. It’s a room within a room, condensing enough features and space to take the airiness of the rest of the apartment into consideration.”
This unit can be customized according to different individuals and their homes. Moormann is primarily targeting writers, sportspersons, homeworkers or the fashion-conscious people, who fancy studio apartments.
Multi-space unit

The important living areas, including sleeping, eating, working and reading, are organized around the external sides of the cube. A small staircase, which doubles as drawers, leads up to a bed on the top of the cube, while a walk-in closet and extra storage is lodged on the inside.
Various functions such as eating, working and reading each occupy their own side, with the walls of the cube serving as surfaces to divide up an otherwise open space that also serves as storage for books, dishes and more. Sections of the cube fold down to create beneficial furniture, like a blackboard on the kitchen side that can be turned into a dining table.
Inside the volume, there is shelves and hooks for all kinds of domestic bric- à-brac, outdoor gear and plenty of beverages. This multifunctional unit is a perfect blend of style and functionality.