Sweet Dreams. Those two words have the power to well, put you on good night’s sleep. But then again the magic words don’t always work. We know what will though: the DREAM SLEEPER. At first glance, we thought it’s simply a new sofa designed in the likes of a LazyBoy. The idea could be the same but the Dream Sleeper is actually a bus with very comfy seats.
Traveling can be such a hassle but it can be better if your transportation is luxurious, comfortable, and safe. Safety should be a top priority because it’s what will make you actually reach a destination. Comfort and luxury can be found together in this concept bus.
Sweet Dreams and Good Night Travel
The Dream Sleeper express bus offers a lot of many new things. Pleasant sleep is achievable all the time because of the many features that haven’t been realized. Just looking at the photos of the Dream Sleeper Superior Class, we want to lay back and just relax and imaging we’re riding this comfy bus.
Dream Sleeper features eleven (11) private compartments inside with a wide space separated by partitions. Each one comes with a door, comfortable zero-gravity seat which can be electrically adjusted and reclined. It can also be set automatically. Inside, there’s a clean toilet, powder room, great aroma, air purifier, and free WiFi among others.
First-Class Cushion Comfort

Any long journey can be a delight, thanks to the MUATSU CUSHION. It’s a special cushion designed and inspired like a cosmic rocket’s tip. Such cushion is used on the footrest, back, seat, and headrest. Deep Sleep can make you feel like floating in the air. Yeah, like zero gravity.
The special travels from Osaka to Tokyo regularly. Many tourists go in this direction or vice-versa. Of course, we still recommend the JR Pass but you can also consider the Dream Sleeper. Riding one can also be part of your travel bucket list. It’s an experience of a lifetime—only in Japan.
Pricing is set at JPY 18,000 to JPY 20,000 ($168 to $187). You can check out the schedule HERE.