Gardening can be a rewarding, therapeutic hobby and a great way to connect to the earth. Alas, some people don’t have the time, acreage, or the skill to maintain an outdoor garden demands. Fortunately, there are hundreds of companies that make remarkable indoor gardening kits for those who don’t have enough land or time to maintain full-fledged gardens.
With so many options available, it is quite easy to get confused while deciding which indoor gardening kit to purchase. We have compiled some of the best indoor gardening kits, featuring choices for novice gardeners, seasoned pros, and even those who don’t have time to maintain even a small garden.
Click & Grow Smart Garden 3

This is an ideal size smart garden for cultivating essential herbs like basil and mint, salad greens, chives, and more. Easier to operate, this gardening kit has self-contained seed pods, LED grow lights and a water tank that needs filling only every two to three weeks. It is the perfect starter garden for someone who is new at growing herbs and microgreens. The Click & Grow Smart Garden 3 comes with three basil pods, while any number of salad greens, fruit, and vegetable seed pods are available for purchase.
Rise Single Family hydroponic garden

Blending effortlessly into your living space, Rise Single Family smart hydroponic garden is a self-watering garden that is entirely hydroponic. It features a five-gallon water tank and LED grow lights, all of which are controlled and monitored through an integrated mobile app. The water levels, light settings and nutrient levels all have built-in sensors to keep you informed. It houses 12 plants but you can add levels to increase its capacity for a regular supply of herbs and vegetables.
The AeroGarden Harvest

This hydroponic garden grows plants in water and has an LED light panel to endorse growth. The kit consists of Genovese basil, parsley, dill, thyme, Thai basil, and mint seeds, as well as plant food. The control panel notifies you when to add water or plant food. You can grow up to six different herbs, vegetables, or flower varieties all year round. The AeroGarden Harvest’s compact shape and three-button control panel makes it easy to operate and have a fresh supply of microgreens throughout the year.