LEGO Group keeps releasing exclusive sets every year, be it a Star Wars’ famous scene depictions or an iconic car’s scaled replica. Rollercoasters have been on their menu with at least 10 releases in the past that have kept LEGO fans interested. Now, the LEGO Group has unveiled yet another rollercoaster that takes things to the next level.
The Fairground Collection is one of their popular ones with six different rides including the Grand Carousel and the Ferris Wheel being the popular ones. So, if you are a rollercoaster fanatic, you could build your own exotic theme park, of course with some more LEGO creations coming to the aid.
Compact yet the tallest set ever

Called the Loop Coaster, this LEGO set is the seventh in the Fairground Collection. With a considerable 3,756 LEGO pieces making up the set, it has the gravity-powered movement to make the minifigs go for a spin in the dual loop ride. The set is 36 inches tall, making it one of the tallest LEGO set ever, and one to bag in your grand collection.

The set is the brainchild of LEGO designer Pierre Normandin who wanted to recreate the adrenaline rush of tipping over from the highest point in a rollercoaster ride. That rush for the lifeless mini figurines comes courtesy of the two complete loops which lead to the subtle course, and finally comes to a halt at the station through the gift shop.
Gravity at work

The fascinating bit of the Loop Coaster is how is smartly employs gravity to take the 11 minifigs for a gut churning ride. These little fun seekers in this set include a ride operator, balloon seller, grandma, and five rollercoaster riders. Once the figurines are in positions, their human friend hand-cranks the rig to the top of the coaster via the elevator. If one does want this function to be automated, LEGO Group gives the option of buying the motorized elevator too for some extra bucks.

This cool set is all set to be up for pre-order starting July 5 for a price tag of $400, and LEGO fans would want to get their hands on this one sooner rather than later. That’s because, given the history of unique LEGO builds, this one will surely be out of stock in no time!