Balenciaga is slowly becoming a favorite of sneakerheads. You see, collecting isn’t all about basketball shoes. Runners are now popular as many people are getting interested in walking, running, or hiking.
Runners are a practical choice if you want to start exercising. If you’re extra, go all out by getting the most expensive pair you can access. There are those from luxury fashion houses. Some of them have even teamed up with sports brands.
Balenciaga Gets Serious with the Running Sneaker Game

For Balenciaga, it’s now famous for its dad sneakers. Many people not agree with that description but the pairs we have seen are chunky. From the Balenciaga Speed Trainer introduced earlier this year, we also saw the Balenciaga SPEED 3.0 Sneakers ready in three new colorways a few months later.
Today, here are three colorways of the Balenciaga Runner. Choose from any of these options: Black, White, and Dark Red/Grey. The pair combines the design of Balenciaga’s X-Pander and the Track Sneaker.
Balenciaga Runner Sneaker Design

The latest silhouette boasts nylon and mesh all over. It comes with a distressed or worn-out look that make shoes unique and well, look used. The white especially looks discolored from the upper to the sole unit to the toe box.
The Balenciaga branding is all over. You will see details on heel, midsole, tongue, and sole unit on the lateral. The ‘90s running shoe style is very evident here. You can get a pair of the Balenciaga Runner Sneaker for £785 GBP from the website. That’s about $1,070 in the US.