Sylvester Stallone stars in a new Home Alone movie

There is a new Home Alone movie. It doesn’t star Macaulay Culkin nor Alex D. Linz but THE Sylvester Stallone. No, we’re kidding but the video below will have you viewing Mr. Stallone playing Kevin McCallister in a video edit. Maybe when the kids today would see the clip for the first time, they won’t notice anything unusual except for the deep voice of the kid and the obviously adult-looking head.

A YouTube channel known as ‘Ctrl Shift Face’ is sharing videos of different actors playing another actor’s role in a movie. There are over 40 videos on the channel right now but we choose this ‘Home Stallone’ because it still is the holidays.

Home Stallone is Real

Home Stallone was shared on Christmas Eve and now has 2.6 million views. It’s the second most popular DeepFake video watched so far next to the ‘Terminator 2’ also starring Sylvester Stallone. Maybe Stallone is a favorite of the YouTube creator.

The video boasts decent editing of Culkin’s face being replaced by Stallone’s in every scene. It can be disturbing for most people having to see an adult head on a kid’s body but then again this is Youtube—it has everything. It’s interesting and to be honest, the video reminds me of Chris Evans’ Steve Roger before he transformed into Captain America—with the big head and small body, of course.

Videos Are Both Delightful and Disturbing

Every DeepFake video is only a concept. We see Brad Pitt in ‘The Room’ and three actors in the ‘Coin Toss’— Willem Dafoe, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. We also see a few celebrity favorites like Tom Cruise, Jim Carrey, Bill Hader, and Elon Musk.

Try watching some of the videos on YouTube and you’ll see how other “changes” are not that noticeable like Bill Hader suddenly becoming Tom Cruise in an interview. That thing you imagined when you were a kid of Stallone starring as ‘The Terminator’ instead of Schwarzenegger, it’s there.

We like what’s being done by the ‘Ctrl Shift Face’ team. They’re just having fun. We can’t believe though it only has 329K subscribers.